Read before use
1, check data with precheck (windows version) tools
2, data from excel, copy and paste data into the input frame
3, data from txt, must tab-seperated, copy and paste data into the input frame
4, specieal and non-English characters such as #, <, >, %, (, ), α are not friendly
5, use point as decimal separator, not comma. e.g. 3.14, not 3,14 as pi

Figure size
figure width:
figure height:

ticks fontsize:
axis label fontsize:
X axis label rotation:
labelled text fontsize:
legend fontsize:

Line and marker
line width:
line color:
marker size:
labelled text color:
marker text location:
marker color1:
marker color2:
marker color3:
marker color4:
marker color5:
marker color6:

Y range
min value:
max value:

Y grid line

Marker shape




Vertical lollipop chart

The shape of this plot seems like a lollipop, so name it.
Input data instructions
Input data contain 3 columns: 1, name; 2, corresponding value (height); 3, labelled value (can be the same with column 2).
Input data contain 4 columns: 1, name; 2, corresponding value (height); 3, labelled value (can be the same with column 2); 4, groups (at most 6 groups)
Paper example
Transcriptome, Spliceosome and Editome Expression Patterns of the Porcine Endometrium in Response to a Single Subclinical Dose of Salmonella Enteritidis Lipopolysaccharide. Fig3
Lollipop chart of the top 10 Gene Ontology (GO) terms for each GO aspect (biological process; cellular components; molecular function), scattered according to -log10 p-value. Numbers in circles refer to the number of DEGs annotated to the specific GO term.
Input Example data

1) How to plot?
1, Put data in excel according to the example format.
2, Copy and paste into input frame.
3, Input pre-checking button to check input
4, After checking pass, select parameters, submit and download

2) How to cite?
3000+ papers in (Google Scholar)
Tang D, Chen M, Huang X, Zhang G, Zeng L, Zhang G, Wu S, Wang Y. SRplot: A free online platform for data visualization and graphing. PLoS One. 2023 Nov 9;18(11):e0294236. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294236. PMID: 37943830.

3) FAQs