Read before use
1, check data with precheck (windows version) tools
2, data from excel, copy and paste data into the input frame
3, data from txt, must tab-seperated, copy and paste data into the input frame
4, specieal and non-English characters such as #, <, >, %, (, ), α are not friendly
5, use point as decimal separator, not comma. e.g. 3.14, not 3,14 as pi

input data (with header line)

Figure size
figure width:
figure height:

title fontsize:
legend title fontsize:
ticks fontsize:
axis label fontsize:

title name:
X axis label:
Y axis label:
point size label:
colorbar title:
if choose -log10 transform in colors options, labled as -log10(pvalue)
if choose pvlaue in colors options, labbled as pvalue

Colors (take pvalue as an example, can also be FDR, qvalue, ...)

smaller -log10(pvalue) / larger pvalue color:
larger -log10(pvalue) / smaller pvalue color:

smaller pvalue color:
larger pvalue color:

Point size
samall point size:
big point size:


Font family

GO, Pathway enrichment bubble plot

Bubble plot is generally used in GO, KEGG pathway enrichment analysis, in which p values are represented by colors, gene counts are represented by bubble size. Please use GO, Pathway Enrichment Analysis or metascape to get the enrichment results, and then plot. Reference: ggplot2 R package
Input data instructions
Input data contain 4 columns: the first column is GO or KEGG Pathway term (display in Y axis); the second column is enrichment (display in X, if no, replace by others, such as gene ratio, -log10(p), count; the third column is p (or FDR), represents colors; the fourth colunn is gene count (size of bubble).
Optional for fifth columns, plot by class with facet, for example BP, CC, MF.
Paper example
Honghua extract mediated potent inhibition of COVID-19 host cell pathways
Writing tips
Dot plot of the KEGG pathway enrichment analysis. The horizontal axis represents the gene ratio, while the vertical axis represents the enriched pathway name. The color scale indicates different thresholds of the p-value, and the size of the dot indicates the number of genes corresponding to each pathway.
Input Example

1) How to plot?
1, Prepare data
2, Open with excel, and change into the same format as the example
3, Copy and paste data into the input frame
4, Select parameters
5, Submit and download figure files

2) Why NO figure generated?
Script need strigent input format, please read the instructions and examples carefully.

3) How to cite?
2000+ papers in (Google Scholar)
Tang D, Chen M, Huang X, Zhang G, Zeng L, Zhang G, Wu S, Wang Y. SRplot: A free online platform for data visualization and graphing. PLoS One. 2023 Nov 9;18(11):e0294236. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294236. PMID: 37943830.

4) FAQs