
1, Why this page?

To live longer!

SRplot has 120+ free modules, and the amount of code exceed more than 50,000 lines. Since March 2021, we now have more than 64,000 users, it is becomming more and more popular. We have to update the server and devote more energy to coding, debugging, and helping our users. Compare with the energy we spend, the fee of server is negligible. As we have to face our family and daily consumptions, so this page appeared. If our services are useful and helpful to you, please donate us, thank you.

2, Donation usage

The biggest usage of donation is the affirmation to us and our energy source of coding.
To be realistic, mainly including:
  • Server update and maintanance. 150$/month now
  • Advertisement fee. 30$/month now
  • Third-part coding fee
  • Buy us a coffee!
  • 3, How to donation

    please use paypal at: Donation, then email us at:, some points will send to your account.